How to Pay using Bitcoin

16 Oct 2020

Bitcoin is mainly used for transactions on the internet without using intermediaries, aka not using bank services.

semakin berkembangnya zaman, bitcoin semakin banyak digunakan. salah satu keunggulan bitcoin disamping mudah untuk digunakan, bitcoin juga memiliki biaya transaksi yang relatif sangat murah dibandingkan dengan payment proccesor yang lain . melihat hal tersebut Digitalku kini menerima pembayaran menggunakan bitcoin. berikut adalah cara menggunakannya

Step 1 As in general, to make a payment we go to the invoice page you want to pay

Step 2 Regarding the payment method, if you did not previously use Bitcoin, please change to Bitcoin

Step 3 Click “pay now” to continue to the payment page

Step 3 After that, the amount that must be transferred and the recipient's Bitcoin destination address will be displayed. Please make the transfer exactly as shown to the bitcoin address shown

Step 4 If the transfer is successful, the invoice should automatically PAID itself and just wait for the service to be processed 🙂

