How to install Webuzo on VPS / Dedicated Server

25 Apr 2018

webuzo is a free Control Panel that we can choose to help us make using a VPS easier.
Before installing, make sure your server has the following minimum specifications:

  • CentOS 6.x / 7.x or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x / 7.x or Scientific Linux 6.x / 7.x (x86_64) / Ubuntu LTS
  • YUM /apt-get/tar/wget packages installed
  • RAM – Minimum 1 GB (Recommended 2 GB for best performance)
  • Disk Space – Minimum 5 GB (Recommended 10 GB for best performance)
  • Open Ports – 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 143, 443 and 3306 (It is recommended to keep these ports open on your server)

Once you feel that all your needs have been met, please proceed to the next step:

  1. Login to your SSH vps the tutorial can be seen here
  2. Run the following command to download the installer: wget -N
  3. after that . change the permissions to 0755 by running the command: chmod 0755
  4. After that, run the following command to run the installer: ./
  5. Webuzo installation has been successful, it will appear like this:
  6. then you can open http://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:2004/ from the browser to continue the installation from the browser, you just have to fill in the fields according to the instructions, then click install

  7. The installation has been completed

After successful installation, you can start installing and managing your website via Webuzo

