How to Make Payments Via Bank Transfer

4 May 2018

We provide several types of payment methods via Bank Transfer to make it easier for buyers to make payments. Currently, JayaHost has provided 4 Indonesian Bank Accounts, so customers can minimize transfer fees due to different banks.
Here is how to make payment:

  1. Login to Client Portal
  2. Click the Billing menu in the Client Area

  3. Click the bill you want to pay

  4. After that, make a transfer to the account listed on your bill, either via ATM, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking or others.

  5. Fill in the form to confirm payment. Please enter the data correctly to speed up processing your payment. if everything is certain it is correct

  6. If it has been successfully sent, it will look like this

After payment confirmation is sent, we will process your payment as soon as possible 🙂

