Unmanaged vs Managed VPS Hosting

30 Aug 2019

What differentiates managed and unmanaged here is support. here are the differences

Unmanaged VPS

Unmanaged VPS means that VPS management is outside the VPS seller, because all access will be given to the client, including the root password. The advantage of Unmanaged VPS is that the client has the right to do anything with his VPS. However, because of this, there is no support for using VPS. and VPS sellers only guarantee stability in terms of hardware only

Managed VPS

Managed VPS is of course the opposite of unmanaged VPS. which is where the VPS seller participates in managing the VPS client. Usually Managed VPS is a VPS that is designed for special needs, for example a special VPS for hosting. The downside is that clients cannot freely manage the VPS themselves and the costs are definitely more expensive for support costs

Currently, the Jayahost VPS Hosting service at Jayahost is only available in the unmanaged version

If you use VPS hosting for forex purposes, then you will get support like a forex VPS. can be read here

